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February 10, 2004

Tough Loss

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chas @ 8:20 pm

Not much to say about the double OT loss to Seton Hall, 68-67. Not shown in Cleveland, all I could do was constantly refresh game updates on the computer. 24 turnovers by Pitt, and Julius Page going 1-6, 4 points. Whether Page is just having a bad season or that ankle has just hobbled him, it hurt Pitt not to be able to count on him as the game got down to the end.

Big game on Sunday against UConn.

Class of the Draft

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chas @ 9:21 am

It became official yesterday. Larry Fitzgerald held a press conference at Pitt’s South Side facility, in which he announced his intention to enter the 2004 NFL.

Local columnists line up to sing praises of his class one more time. It’s not that it isn’t true that he’s humble and classy, but lets face it, the issue is that he is an amazing talent. Here’s the transcript of the press conference.

Is there something that you have done here at the University of Pittsburgh that you are especially proud of or that sticks out in your mind?
I could honestly say that I have not had any bad experiences in this town. On the field, off the field, these last three years have been great. Every experience that I have had with the city, the coaching staff, and the community has been outstanding. I love this city and the university and I am really going to miss it.

Did you pick the University of Pittsburgh due in large part to the head coach, Walt Harris?
I picked this university because of Coach Harris and the success he has had before me with the receivers and the offensive units. I knew that if I came here and did what he told me to do, I would have success. He has coached numerous draft picks and receivers before. When I came here I tried to humble myself and take my lumps because it is a pretty difficult offense to understand, but I knew as I got older and more mature that I would be able to handle more responsibilities. He put more on me every week which really prepared me for this.

Something that will become a good bar topic for a while, should Pitt retire his number. If so, when? Discuss.

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