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February 26, 2006

The Whine Is Fine

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chas @ 9:27 pm

Are Louisville fans the biggest whiners or is it just the top columnist at their paper? I have to be honest, I don’t have enough history with either to form a solid opinion yet. Still, this column at least makes me suspect it’s the columnist.

Sebastian Telfair finally made it to Louisville yesterday. He stars in “Through the Fire,” which is playing at Showcase Stonybrook.

Talk about perfect casting. Telfair plays Sebastian Telfair, a high school basketball prodigy from New York City who has no intention of attending the University of Louisville but acts as if he does because filmmaker Jonathan Hock is building a documentary about Telfair’s decision to attend college or turn pro.

Hmmm. The only way to create two seconds of drama is to have Telfair pretend he is interested in playing for Rick Pitino.

Two years ago many people were fooled. There is cinematic evidence of the Cardinal coaches and fan base embracing the Tel-fairy tale. Louisville Gardens was packed for a game Telfair and his Lincoln High teammates played against Pleasure Ridge Park. Telfair was cheered as if he were Darrell Griffith.

There has been real-life evidence of the Telfair folly all season as the Cardinals have staggered though Big East play with a gap at point guard that another Class of 2004 recruit could have filled.

But this isn’t about just basketball. With Sebastian Telfair it never has been.

It’s about image, celebrity and moving product. It’s about The Con.

And Telfair has always been better at The Con than he has been with the 18-footer.

See, it’s not the fault of the team or rebuilding that Louisville’s had a horrible first season in the Big East. It’s the fault of a high school kid, with enough potential to get drafted in the NBA lottery straight out of high school 2 years ago.

The same kid, who the Bozich declares has a lousy jumper would have been the key. I mean, it’s not like he would have stayed in school for two years, or perhaps Louisville would have made it further than the final four last year.

Somehow UConn is managing despite Andrew Bynum being drafted in the top 10 by the Lakers rather than being a freshman.


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