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September 28, 2005

Blogpoll Questions, Round Table #8

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chas @ 9:22 am

This one is being hosted by ParadigmBlog (another Michigan blogger).

1. We are now 1/3 of the way through the season and things are starting to shake out. With that in mind, who are your picks to win each of the BCS conferences, as well as your choice for an at-large berth from a non-BCS league (none is an option)?

Big East: Louisville
ACC: Miami
SEC: Florida
Big 11: Ohio St.
Big 12: Texas
At-Large: ND

Not particularly exciting, but that’s the way it seems to be shaking out in my view. Shakiest pick would be Miami. I can still see VT gakking some time in October. Too many years of doing it, especially when they get this high in the rankings and bandwagon.

Alabama would need luck in staying healthy to win the SEC. They lack depth for the whole season.

Louisville may have blown that game to USF, but after seeing the Hoopies struggle with East Carolina they aren’t ready.

2. What team currently out of the Top 10 (AP or Coach’s, doesn’t really matter), has the best chance of ending up in the title game?

I hate to type this, but Notre Dame. This is the title game. Not just getting into the BCS. Since I doubt Alabama can do it, and Michigan State arguably has the same problem with concerns about injuries and depth, that leaves the Domers. They have the schedule to allow them to rise all the way to the top. To do it, they’d have to beat Tennessee and USC, but then there’d also be no argument that they deserve to go.

3. When you’re watching a game, what type of fan can you absolutely not tolerate being around?

You know, this year I’ve got a new entry for the bottom of the list. The “State the Obvious” guy (SOG). Encountered this freak breed at the ND-Pitt game. Guy was a ND fan a row behind me. After every play, when they announced the yardage gained or lost on a play, he’d repeat it to his buddy like it was unique news.

PA Voice: Darius Walker for 4 yards on the carry on 1st down. 2nd and 6.

SOG: (Clapping and turning to his buddy) We got 4 yards! Only 6 more for a first down!

PA Voice: Palko’s pass complete to Gill for 3 yards. 3rd and 2.

SOG: They got 3 yards. They only need to get 2 yards for a first down! Stop them D!

Imagine that for an entire game.

Bonus: A sizable portion of Michigan fandom is in full meltdown mode (myself especially). Some have chosen to sequester themselves for this weekend’s game against MSU to avoid scaring children, causing long-term psychological damage to those in the near vicinity, and most especially to avoid jail (I’m not saying this is me per se). Anyways, we need some help. Give us some ideas for replacements for LLLyd Carr (3 L’s for the number of losses per year, and no O this year either). Assistant coaches, head coaches elsewhere, etc. Please, give us something to look forward to.

Paul Hackett. He’s an offensive and QB Guru, you know. Joe Montana and Curtis Martin like him. Pitt and USC fans can guarantee that you won’t have 3 losses in a year. 3 wins, you have a shot.

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