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June 17, 2009

For Adam Gunn, apparently this was one of those times.

Gunn’s attorney, Tim Dawson, said by e-mail that his client “issued a formal apology for his conduct, and given the fact that he employed no weapons, assaulted nobody and simply attempted to flee the scene, the (Pittsburgh) Police were willing to drop all charges.”

Gunn can now be reinstated to the team (and there seems little doubt he will be).

He still has to deal with the fact that in running, he could not clear the a parking lot chain. Either very drunk or absolutely no vertical.

This also means Pitt will be losing some points in the Fulmer Cup.

Now it will be interesting to see if DW applies some internal disciplinary actions – in addition to Gunn’s ‘suspension’ during a period when there were no NCAA sanctioned team activities, or whether DW feels enough is enough.

I’ve no opinion one way or another, but am curious as to what DW feels.

Comment by Reed 06.18.09 @ 5:28 am


Comment by ChrisA 06.18.09 @ 7:41 am

Sometime police accusations are all wrong. If my memory is correct, Pitt had a running back/wide receiver in the mid-60’s who went onto to have a nice NFL career. The summer before camp opened before his senior year, he and a couple of his friends were caught with stolen hubcaps in their car. The newspaper stated that our guy admitted that they took the hubcaps. Later on the charges were dropped due to insufficient evidence.

Comment by BigGuy 06.18.09 @ 8:58 am

BigGuy – from all accounts Gunn pretty much was involved, and now has been released from charges, as it should be apparently.

I think we all know that maximum charges are brought in almost every case so that plea-bargaining, etc can lessen the impacts – but also so that the DA can get something out of the case – the shotgun effect if you will. For this case to be disposed of by having all charges dropped tells me that the Court took into consideration character references, Gunn’s efforts in his personal life (school, football, etc) and I’m sure they also considered how remorseful he was.

So I see this not so much as he didn’t do what he was accused of – but that the Court system did the right thing in looking at the big picture (he didn’t assault the Police, didn’t make things worse, tried to leave the situation, etc) and dropping the charges.

I’m glad it turned out this way – makes me feel like ‘justice’ works sometimes.

Comment by Reed 06.18.09 @ 9:19 am

Reed, good summation and good comments.

Comment by BigGuy 06.18.09 @ 9:26 am

FYI – article in today’s P-G about the guy who may well replace Gunn next year as MLB, Dan Mason. It is just a fluff piece about competing in Saturday’s Big 33 game, and a few compliments from his high school coach including that Mason is very coachable.

Comment by w bill 06.18.09 @ 12:25 pm

Nice comment by Reed. Adam’s charges were dropped following negotiations with the Pittsburgh Police and one officer in particular who acknowledged the factors delineated by Reed, and especially the fact that Adam had no criminal intent that evening, but simply made a bad choice of trying to run away from a police encounter. This incident was totally out of character for Adam Gunn, an honors student in grad school at Pitt. No question alcohol was involved but he was/is a legal adult and simply used bad judgment, including trying to run through the iron chain instead of hurdling it. Let Pitt’s Fulmer Cup ranking drop and Gunn’s performance as a 6th yr senior starting middle LB soar. This case is closed.

Comment by Bossdaws 06.18.09 @ 1:09 pm

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