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June 27, 2006

Draft Plans

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chas @ 5:49 pm

I’ve been debating about doing a live blog of the NBA draft tomorrow. I know I’ll end up watching. I always do. Sure it’s not nearly as entertaining with ESPN making it into a drone fest of seriousness, as it was when TNT did it almost with a tounge-in-cheek approach. And yes, I know the live blogging of the draft has probably been done to death.

But like I said, I know I’ll be watching it. I’ll be curious to see which player(s) will take a Chris Taft-like tumble or even fall out of the draft. Will Carl Krauser get picked in the 2nd round? Isn’t it stunning to see Patrick O’Bryant parlay that one game against Pitt into a lottery draft pick? And why did it take until the day before the draft for someone to finally write — even in a complimentary way — about that fact?

Quick thought as to why the NBA draft under ESPN sucks so bad. The obvious answer is that they treat it like the NFL draft and just don’t have any sense of humor with it. But that isn’t quite right, because there is something somewhat humorous in the NFL draft. And here’s the difference. The NFL draft takes forever and a day. There’s interminable periods between picks. People are on the set all day, and frankly, they get punch-drunk after a while. Heck, it doesn’t even take too long for the slight goofiness to kick in, when it takes over an hour to get through the first 4 picks.

In the NBA draft, though, it moves too quickly. There’s no chance for the people working the draft to start slipping and having any fun. The whole thing is over in just a few hours. There’s no chance to really get off-script. Or at least the producers won’t let them. It also doesn’t help that the ESPN personalities are generally wooden. The only wild card is the local crowd. That is the best chance for some fireworks. That they will overwhelm the mics with booing of whatever the Knicks do (and they don’t pick until #20) or a Vescey-esque chant directed towards Steven A. Smith.

So, yeah, I’m probably going to do it for at least the first round and maybe the second. Right now, my biggest issue for the draft is deciding on Scotch, Bourbon or Beer to accompany it.

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