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June 19, 2006


Filed under: Uncategorized — Chas @ 1:44 pm

[Originally posted to NEO Babble. Slightly altered.]

Is there any breed of writer more repressive, reactionary, shortsighted and just generally hating fun than the sportswriter? Whenever something happens their first response is to call for bans, laws and restrictions.

The periodic idiots who run on to a playing field? Ban alcohol sales.

Issues of performance enhancing drugs. Expand drug testing to include blood samples and demand to hold on to blood and urine samples for years to test even later in life, as other testing procedures are developed. Never mind what the implications are for privacy and general labor and employment law issues. It’s all about the “integrity” of the game.

Ben Roethlisberger gets in a serious accident while riding his motorcycle sans helmet. After the boilerplate stuff about how its a relief he’s okay, you get the fuming on the stupidity of a) riding a motorcycle without a helmet and/or b) riding a motorcycle at all.

Fine. I get it. These are top athletes making tons of money based on what their body can do, and they are taking a substantial risk to their career — not to mention the risk to the hopes and dreams of the fans. I don’t even disagree. Drive the frickin’ Hummer tanks so that no harm will come to the athlete if an accident occurs.

But it’s never enough to simply say the players shouldn’t do something. No, the rules are all wrong.

    And while we’re at it, how dumb does Pennsylvania look for not making helmets mandatory? I heard a state legislator on the radio this morning say that this accident wouldn’t cause him to change his mind. It’s about human rights, he said. Riders should not be forced to wear a helmet.

    I’ve got one for you, Mr. Politician. Let’s repeal seat-belt laws, and gun laws, and minimum drinking ages, and let’s just let America be the Wild, Wild West. Do what you want, when you want.

That’s right. Not making helmets mandatory for motorcycle riders is the first step on a slippery slope to the anarchy of personal choice and destruction.

I don’t ride a motorcycle. I don’t own a motorcycle. The wife wouldn’t let me even if I wanted to. I also don’t care if people want to ride without a helmet. Thin out that old gene pool a little more.

You want to make more people wear a helmet more often? Loosen the law. Specicially state insurance regulation. The states have tight control over vehicle insurance policies. How about allowing insurers more freedom to void insurance policies if in an accident while helmetless? That means no money for medical bills, or to replace the bike. People want to take a risk on losing not only their life, but all their money? Go for it. The insurance companies can even put that in 18 point font on the policy, so it is clearly seen and understood. Financial ruin can be a hell of an incentive. The insurance companies can charge motorcyclists more if they don’t want that limitation.

It’s approach the federal government uses to get states to change laws on speed limits, DUI levels and such. Cutting off key federal money if certain standards aren’t met.

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