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August 22, 2005

Vague Practice Comments

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chas @ 9:27 pm

Nothing seemed particularly definitive from Coach Wannstedt’s press conference regarding practice today. Mostly positive, but kind of vacuous. There’s probably a reason for that.

On the depth chart:

Right now we’re still juggling a lot of positions, as everybody knows. We haven’t finalized the depth chart yet and probably won’t finalize one for sure until a couple days before the Notre Dame game. Everybody knows pretty much who we’re working and who’s getting the reps, but there’s no need to do that right now. We’ll continue to work as many guys as we can.

Much as I’d like to see a depth chart tomorrow — just to keep things straight — I’m not shocked. Between minor injuries, working in a lot of freshmen, new systems and coaches; how can the depth chart be set at this point.

Coach Wannstedt seems happy with the way the offensive line is shaping, and indicated that if Tim Murphy isn’t a starting tailback or even second on the chart, it will only be because other backs — Stephens and Mason — have been just that much better in camp. Interesting. Mason seems to have really stepped up his performance in the last 3-4 days.

This AP story on practice today, focuses on Lee’s slow return. Matt Cavanaugh is itching to get him and Terrell Allen back.

Junior wideout Terrell Allen is still having some problems coming back from a hamstring injury. He has not been able to do much running the past few days.

“We need to get both those guys back in there and up to full speed,” Pitt offensive coordinator Matt Cavanaugh said. “We have a lot of receivers, but we haven’t been able to establish our depth chart there.

“The injuries have hurt us, and some of the younger guys just haven’t stepped up.” Cavanaugh said.

I wonder if Pitt has a play calling for a 3 Tight End set?

Plus, a little more on Furman’s move to Wide Receiver. He apparently was pushed before he jumped.

“I saw my reps cut a little bit every day, and I actually was going to ask about moving to receiver,” Furman said. “So, I’m looking forward to this move. I know I’ve moved before, but I only go where I can help the team. And maybe I can help myself out a little bit, too.”

Can’t hurt.

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