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August 15, 2003

Look, Bitch…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Patrick @ 2:29 am

To Lee, with love…
1) Lee, you asked – nay, demanded – that Celtic beat Manchester United just ONCE. All I did was point out to all the readers of this site that Celtic DID beat Man U (as recently as 2002). And in Manchester, no less – not a neutral site 4000 miles from both teams’ homes.

2) As for falling into traps regarding academic reputations, let us not forget the favorite passtime of many college football fans – turning to academics when their team is down.

And who are the worst offenders? Why, the Big11 schools, thank you very much. If they let a school like Syracuse into their conference, how will they (you, since TOSU is your other alma mater) prance around in such a superior way when discussing top flight football programs (in particular, usual suspects OU, Nebraska, FSU, Florida and the SEC, and Miami). “We may not have won this year, but at least our players aren’t illiterate criminals like _____ (insert above listed school here)” they seem to repeat ad nausem.

The only school that can measure up in the self fellatio over academics department is Notre Dame (which in fact surpasses all Big11 schools in this regard).
Admitting Syracuse would cramp thier style. What the hell would these Big11 fans talk about?

MORE IMPORTANTLY, what will they talk about at the fundraisers? The self-importance of it all is what helps the Big11 schools to raise money. These rich white guys who give money to their favorite schools don’t like the idea of rooting for a bunch of illiterate criminals – especially if they are black. So they fool themselves into thinking that their school/conference would never stoop so low as to admit a person of low moral character (i.e. an upiddy negro from the ghetto who doesn’t appreciate the value of a college education). Perpetuating this myth is how these schools maintain their level of support – even if it is a .BOLD FACED LIE. You are right about the money, but pretending it is not about the money is precisely how they raise money.

3) True, some of our fellow tailgaters have not developed the emnity for all things Nittany that is necessary to lead a true, moral, and just life. Give them time. And give them guidance, whenever it is needed. In this area, we must be true to the undeniable fact – Penn State Sucks above all others.

4) As for your allusion to the Declaration of Independence, it was offered in the context of a blog that was already constituted. It was an attempt to define the parameters of a blog that was in existence, not to morally justify a nascent blog that was yet to be.
Therefore, your reference was, in spirit, more analogous to the Constitution than to the Declaration of Independence. Ergo, any critique of said constitution would rightly appear in the spirit of those who wished to amend the Constitution (the Anti-Federalists).
Quad, erat, demonstandum.

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